Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Connecting the Lonely Profession

      After reading "Connecting the Lonely Profession" by Suzie Boss I have come to two conclusions, that our schools are in need of reform & the resources to make it happen are more available then I ever thought possible.  She suggests that in a Web 2.0 environment there is no reason why teachers should not be connecting and sharing ideas.  One third of teachers leave the profession in the first three years due to isolation.  While we may not be able to change the dynamic in the school, the resources online provide that companionship that the school may not provide.  Teachers all over the world are blogging and sharing ideas, we need more teachers to get on board,  specifically content teachers.  Teachers can connect with others not only throughout the country, but throughout the world!  Students will be challenged but the article says that after the project had been finished the students could go to college and be able to hold their own.
      I have to say that I love the ideas expressed in this article.  I do not see a reason why so many teachers who have all summer off can not join up with a collaboration of teachers to plan at the very least one global project a year.  I understand that the kids behavior and intellectual strength have to go into play but their is literally no reason why this shouldn't be implemented.  I love her point on how schools can be changed overnight.  All we hear now is how education needs to be reformed, curricula need to be changed, yet the answer for engaging lesson plans & projects have been online this whole time.  If teachers could stop being so protective of their content and share it with the world, the benefits it would give our students can not be exaggerated.